Thursday 11 August 2016
"The mayor of Cannes has banned the wearing of burkinis - full body swimsuits - on the beaches of the French Riviera resort famous for its annual film festival, officials said on Thursday."
- The Telegraph
Sunday 14 August 2016
"A second resort town on the French Riviera has announced a ban on full-body swimsuits - or 'burkinis' - at its beaches. (...) Anyone found breaching the order, in place until the end of August, faces a €38 (£32) fine."
-Sky News
Colonial Surfer - The ReSearch is a project about the contemporary globalized world and power structures within the surf industry and its realm. Surfing is not just a sport but also culture, producer and distributor. In current discussions you hear about the post-colonial but the situation today is better described as neo-colonial. Surfers do travel a lot and sometimes to places unknown to other tourists. The way surfers behave and represent themselves in the adventures search of perfect waves has a lot in common with ancient colonizers and their roles. To surf maintain and conserve already existing structures. History.
Editor: Kristoffer Svenberg
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Женские из натуральной кожи сумки модные сумки 2020 – это образец крутости и стиля. На их производстве используется итальянская кожа и детали, что создает сумкам надежность. Структура поражает разнообразием фактур: кроме глянцевых и шершавых представлены велюровые модели, с тиснением под крокодила или рельефным принтом. Прочная фурнитура делает сумки функциональными. За современное оформление отвечает бригада лучших специалистов, которая следит за современными модными тенденциями.
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