Colonial Surfer - The ReSearch is a project about the contemporary globalized world and power structures within the surf industry and its realm. Surfing is not just a sport but also culture, producer and distributor. In current discussions you hear about the post-colonial but the situation today is better described as neo-colonial. Surfers do travel a lot and sometimes to places unknown to other tourists. The way surfers behave and represent themselves in the adventures search of perfect waves has a lot in common with ancient colonizers and their roles. To surf maintain and conserve already existing structures. History.

Editor: Kristoffer Svenberg

Friday, August 28, 2020

There are no locals?

PDF: There are no locals, Artworks overview [Language: English] – Download PDF

This is a collection of my art-works that relate to surfing in different ways. Surfing is part of pop-culture in the contemporary and placed in these projects as something that seeks to reach a wider audience than most regular art audiences. Surfing can be the key subject matter, but also serves as a medium, a materiality, and something to read symbolically and metaphorically as a power-position. My departure into the projects is through photography, problematizing what mediation is and how representation occurs. Things are always more complex than the representation.
These projects are dealing with inquires on cultural imperialism, ideals, norms, gender, heritage from
colonialism, post-colonial theory and gentrification processes.

PDF: There are no locals, Artworks overview [Language: English] – Download PDF


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